Hacking Sony Cameras with Kotlin for fun and profit - KotlinConf 24
In this talk, we will explore the world of Bluetooth LE with Kotlin Multiplatform.
We will write an amazing Remote Camera app from start to finish that works on both desktop and mobile platforms after having reverse-engineered the undocumented BLE protocol used by modern Sony cameras.
Android app performance with Perfetto - Code with the Italians
This episode is about the Perfetto library.
We talked about performance and tried Perfetto on Mastodon Tusky app.
Adventures building a Kotlin Multiplatform Benchmarking Library - KotlinConf 23
This talk describes adventures in building a Kotlin Multiplatform Library for Benchmarking and Tracing.
The goal is to be able to produce trace sections that show up in Platform native tracing toolkits (Perfetto, Instruments), and micro-benchmark critical sections of code.
How to add Baseline Profiles - Code with the Italians
In this episode, we had Rahul Ravikumar from Google, and he immensely improved the performance of our app! 😱😱
Making Apps Blazing fast with Baseline Profiles
Baseline Profiles are a new way to dramatically improve app startup and runtime performance of apps and libraries.
You will discover how the Android Runtime improves app performance, when a Baseline Profile is provided on various Android platform versions.
Making Apps Blazing fast with Baseline Profiles - Droidcon NY
This talk will dive deep into how Cloud Profiles work, and introduce the latest improvements in ART profiles called Baseline Profiles.
We will introduce what Baseline Profiles are, and what ART does under the hood to make your apps faster.
WorkManager - Back to the Foreground
WorkManager has evolved since its inception. In this session We will cover new features, improved tools support and best practices around the popular library.
WorkManager - Beyond the Basics
This talk introduces intermediate and advanced concepts to address common questions, gotchas, and issues you might see when you deploy to a large ecosystem of users and devices.
Coding in style: Static analysis with Custom Lint Rules
Android Lint allows teams to automate the enforcement of best practices, reducing the amount of time spent on trivial code review feedback and improving overall code health.
This talk teaches the basics of writing a custom Lint rule, including how to test and distribute custom Lint rules for your own team.
Working with WorkManager
This session talks about WorkManager and its API. This talk covers how WorkManager can be used to solve many interesting use cases.
We also go over many of the new APIs introduced since alpha, including support for non-blocking Workers and how WorkManager can coexist in a world with coroutines and RxJava.